Saturday, January 3, 2015

Waltham High School's Yearbook, The Mirror

It's been a very long time since this blog has been updated, but we have an exciting development!

Several yearbooks from Waltham High School have been made available online, and we were able to locate two of our letter writers, Joyce and Joany (aka "Dusty").

Sadly, the 1950 yearbook is unavailable, so we couldn't get Joyce's Senior portrait. But before we get to the girls, we can't resist posting Sal's 1947 Senior photo:
According to someone in the family, Sal earned the nickname "Coog" from the sounds he made while imitating pigeons.

In 1948, Joyce Fucci can be found representing the Sophomore Nominating Committee:

Joyce makes an appearance in the 1949 yearbook as a member of the Junior Nominating Committee:

Next, from 1949 we have the charming and vivacious Joany Morin!

It's incredible to put faces to the names and their words, and to see them exactly at the time when these letters were penned!